@ EXTERNA L VFO CONNECTORThis 9-pin connector provides a mea ns of in terconnectingthe KENWOOD VF0-820. another external VFO. or an ex·ternal receiver. The interconnecting cable is provided withthe VF0-820 . The 9-pin jumpered VFO plug provided withthe TS-820 must be inserted in this sock et for normal trans-ceiver operation.PIN FUNCTION PIN FUNCTION1 VFO s1gna l 6 Calibrator signal{9 VOCI2 VFO signal shi eld 7 N o co nn ection3 Ground 8 9 VOC to internVFO (pin 9)4 12 .6 VAC 9 9 VO C to exte rnalVFO5 Relay voltag e(+ on transmi t)@) REMOTE CO NN ECTORTh e REMOTE connector is an 8-pin socket for use in i nter·connecting a linear amplifier. an external speaker. or anotheraccessory item . (See Fi g . 301PI N FU NCTION PIN FUNCTION1 Grou nd 5 Normally openrel;~y contact2 No connection 6 ALC feedback3 Norm closed ., Occup1ed as term inalrelay con tact4 G r oun d B Ex 1ernal speaker@ IF OUT JACKReceive signals from the final IF stage are supplred to thisjack for monitoring waveforms of opposite stations.@ CW KEY JACKConnect a key to this 1/ 4" phone jack for CW operation.@ RTTY KEY JACKThis is used tor FSK operation. A 2 P plug should be in sertedfor connection to the S\Vitch ing circui t o f a teletypewr i ter.@ DC-DC CONVERTER CONNECTING HOLEDC-DC. Converter (DS-1. optiont can be wired through thishole For wiring . remove the cover plate.Remove sc r Qw andstopper plateS w ilch stoppr rto opposite s1deLock lev er l> y a lt achingstopper plat e 10 oppos ites1 de scr ew120V 120V1220V!>topper platec-r --.,,I .~ : 0:,, .,_,120V220VFig . 5 Changing Power Voltage from . 220V to 120V15