~ • .,,...........,...... ... ............,.. ..._. . . ..............,.........,. .. .,.,.........,.,..._....., ..........., • .,........,.... ...._,.......... ...,... .......,.'"......_.......,................lttflt... IIR..,.~••...,.......,.•..._.•... •.,.......,,......-.:••~.....,."v'!.~ ~i SECTION 6. MAINTENANCE AND ALIGNMENT ~i . ~.,..., • .._,.....,...,..,.,..,..,..,..........~ .......,.. ... .,.. .....,. ............................. . _.,.• ...._. . ....... .... .,. ,. .._ ...,•. ,.. .. .. .. , .. .......~.................. tt, ...M.,..M,._.,._• .-.r-•,.-_...,.............-.... . .. nu..... ,..................,.. ...... "".... _.6 .1 GENERA L I NFORMAT I ONThe TS-820 has been fac tory sligned and tested tospecifications before delivery to the customer. Under nor-mal cr rcumstances the transceiver will be properly adjustedto operate in accordance with these operating i nstructions.In fa ct. the equipment owner can void the transceive r's wa r-ranty by attemp t ing service or alignment wi t hout permissionfrom the fac tory.When operated properly, the transceiver can give years ofservice w ith out re quirin g reali gnment . The infor mation inthrs sect1on. some general servi ce procedures w hich can beaccomplished w ithout sophistica ted test equi pment .REMOVING THE CAB IN ET (See Fig. 23)Figure 2 t shows how to remove the TS- 820's cab inet . R e-move the eight top cover screws and the nine bottom cove rscrews and lift away the panels. The speak er le ads will stillbe attach ed to the chassis so be careful when removing thetop cover. The leads can be unp lugged. if necessary.Fig . 23 Re moving the Cabinet~ -- ---·- -- --- -- -- - - - ~ ·- -.-SE R VICE P OS I TION (See Ftg. 241The TS-820 should be placed on its side. with th e f inal sec-tion up . for any alignment or service. This positio !' pe rm itsadequate ventilation for the final tubes as well as easy ac-cessibility to the modules. M ost of the described ad just -ments can be made without rem oving the boards fr om th etransceiver.F ig . 24 Servi ce Po s ition33