To reset the Amp-hours and Watt-hours measurements:Front Panel Menu Reference SCPI CommandSelect Measure\AHWH.Select Reset to return the measurements to zero.To reset Amp-hours and Watt-hours:SENS:AHO:RESSENS:WHO:RESDigitized MeasurementsIn addition to the average voltage, current, and power measurements, which are available from boththe front panel and via SCPI commands, digitized measurements can also be returned. Digitizedmeasurements differ from average measurements because you can select the type of measurementreturned and fine tune the measurement quality.Measurement TypesThe following digitized measurements are available. These can only be measured using thecorresponding SCPI command.ACDC is a calculation that returns the total RMS measurement (AC + DC).HIGH level is a calculation that generates a histogram of the waveform using 16 bins between themaximum and minimum data points. The bin containing the most data points above the 50% point isthe high bin. The average of all the data points in the high bin is returned as the High level. If no highbin contains more than 1.25% of the total number of acquired points, then the maximum data point isreturned.LOW level is a calculation that generates a histogram of the waveform using 16 bins between themaximum and minimum data points. The bin containing the most data points below the 50% point isthe low bin. The average of all the data points in the low bin is returned as the Low level. If no low bincontains more than 1.25% of the total number of acquired points, then the minimum data point isreturned.MAX is the maximum value of the digitized measurement.MIN is the minimum value of the digitized measurement.Array queries are also available to return ALL values in the voltage and current measurement buffer.No averaging is applied, only raw data is returned from the buffer.Keysight RP7900 Series Operating and Service Guide 1474 Using the Regenerative Power System