DIGital SubsystemDigital commands program the digital control port on the rear panel of the instrument.[SOURce:]DIGital:INPut:DATA?Reads the state of the digital control port. Returns the binary-weighted value of the state of pins 1through 7 in bits 0 through 6 respectively.Parameter Typical Return(none) Reads the state of the digital control port: DIG:INP:DATA?[SOURce:]DIGital:OUTPut:DATA <value>[SOURce:]DIGital:OUTPut:DATA?Sets the state of the digital control port. This only affects the pins whose function has been set toDigital IO operation. The port has seven signal pins and a digital ground pin. In the binary-weightedvalue that is written to the port, the pins are controlled according to the following bit assignments:Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Bit number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6Decimal value 1 2 4 8 16 32 64Bit values corresponding to digital port pins that are not configured as DIO are ignored.Parameter Typical Return0 – 127, *RST 0 Programs pins 1, 3, and 5 on: DIG:OUTP:DATA?[SOURce:]DIGital:PIN<1-7>:FUNCtion <function>[SOURce:]DIGital:PIN<1-7>:FUNCtion?Sets the pin function. The functions are saved in non-volatile memory.DIO General-purpose ground-referenced digital input/output function.DINPut Digital input-only mode.FAULt Pin 1 functions as an isolated fault output. Pin 2 is common for pin 1INHibit Pin 3 functions as an inhibit input.ONCouple Pins 4 -7 synchronize the output On state.OFFCouple Pins 4 -7 synchronize the output Off state.TINPut A trigger input function.TOUTput A trigger output functionKeysight RP7900 Series Operating and Service Guide 1875 SCPI Programming Reference