452 Keysight EXG and MXG X-Series Signal Generators User’s GuideUsing the N5102A Digital Signal Interface Module for N5172B/82B with Option 003/004 and653/655/656/657Operating the N5102A Module in Input ModeFrom this menu, select how the binary values are represented. Selecting 2’s complementallows both positive and negative data values. Use the Offset Binary selection whencomponents cannot process negative values.5. Select the numeric format required for the test.6. Press the More (1 of 2) softkey.From this softkey menu, select the bit order, swap I and Q, the polarity of the data, and accessmenus that provides data negation, scaling, and filtering parameters.7. Press the Data Negation softkey.Negation differs from changing the I and Q polarity. Applied to a sample, negation changes theaffected sample by expressing it in the two's complement form, multiplying it by negative one,and converting the sample back to the selected numeric format. This can be done for Isamples, Q samples, or both.The choice to use negation is dependent on the device being tested.8. To access I/Q scaling and filter parameters, press Return > N5102A Off On to On. This willinvoke the real time Custom format in the signal generator’s baseband generator. This isneeded to set the filter parameters when Pre-FIR Samples is selected as the data type.9. Press the Baseband Setup softkey.Use this softkey menu to adjust the I/Q scaling and access filter parameters. If the selecteddata type is Samples, the Filter softkey is grayed out (inactive). For more information onuser-defined filtering, refer to the “Using Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters in the Dual ARBReal-Time Modulation Filter” on page 219 and “Modifying a FIR Filter Using the FIR TableEditor” on page 225.Digital DataIf the N5102A digital module is not on, press Return > Return > N5102A Off On to On.Digital data is now being transferred through the N5102A module to the signal generator. Thegreen status light should be blinking. This indicates that the data lines are active. If the status lightis solidly illuminated (not blinking), all the data lines are inactive. The status light comes on andstays on (blinking or solid) after the first time the N5102A module is turned on (N5102A Off On toOn). The status light will stay on until the module is disconnected from its power supply.If changes are made to the baseband data parameters, it is recommendedthat you first disable the digital input (N5102A Off On softkey to Off) toavoid exposing the device and the N5102A module to the signal variationsthat may occur during the parameter changes.