Keysight EXG and MXG X-Series Signal Generators User’s Guide 59Front Panel Operation for All ModelsSetting Frequency and Amplitude with FREQ and AMPTD KeysSetting Frequency and Amplitude with FREQ and AMPTD KeysFigure 4-1 Frequency and Amplitude Softkeyspage 125To display the next menu, press More.For details on each key, use key helpas described on page 60Refer to the SCPI Command Reference.Opens theAtten/ALCControlmenu.Enables the optimize signal-to-noise ratio state (Optimize S/N) On or Off.The optimize signal–to–noise softkey changes the attenuator and alc setting to provideoptimal signal–to–noise performance; it does not change the RF output power.Caution: When the optimize signal-to-noise ratio state is enabled, some increased levels ofharmonic distortion can occur. This increased harmonic distortion could degrade ACPR andEVM.Note: This mode is mutually exclusive with attenuator hold (Atten Hold), and any modulationtype. A settings conflict error will be generated if attentuator hold or any modulation isactivated when optimize signal–to–noise is active (On).page 61This softkey sets a user determinedmaximum power level on theinstrument that is persistent.Available on vectormodels with BBG.Enables the instrumentto select between twopower levels with ahardware marker orusing an external 98In Amplitude mode, this menu isautomatically displayed when enteringa numeric value with the front panelkeypad.In Frequency mode, this menu isautomatically displayed when enteringa numeric value with the front panelkeypad.Sets the current relativephase of the RF outputsignal as the zeroreference.All subsequentadjustments are relativeto this adjustment.dBuVemf terminatesthe value as dBuVelectromotive force.Emf is the outputvoltage with no load.This unit is externalonly. Internalrepresentation as wellas increment anddecrement values arein dBm.Note: dBuV, mV, andnVemf behave similarly(i.e. Values are externalonly. Internalrepresentation as wellas increment anddecrement values arein dBm).Enables the mode to improve non-harmonics performance (low spurs mode).Note: When this mode is enabled, the instrument switching speed and behavior ofthe source’s settled signal are affected.Modifies the attenuator and ALC settingsfor optimal performance. It does notchange the RF output power.Available onvector models.