17 ENGLISHENGLISH (Original instructions)SPECIFICATIONSModel: DCU603 DCU604 DCU605Di m e n s i o n s(LxWxH) W h e n b u c k e t i s i n s t a l l e d 1 , 4 80 m m x 730 m m x 820 - 1 , 030 m mWhencarrierisinstalled1,450 - 1 , 6 00 m m x 730 - 1 , 080 m m x 820 - 1 , 030 m mWhen flat bucket is installed 1 , 4 4 0 m m x 730 m m x 820 - 1 , 030 m mTravelingspeedForward5.0 / 3.5 / 1 .5 k m / hReverse1.0 k m / hMaximumloadcapacityOn flat ground 300 k gOnslope(3 ° - 1 2 ° ) 1 80 k gMaximum capacity of flat bucket 250 l i t e rMaximumclimbingcapacity12°Minimumturningradius*1,150 m mBrakeHandbrakeandsupportbrakeTireFrontwheelPneumatictireRearwheelPneumatictireRatedvoltageD.C . 36 VNetweightWhenbucketisinstalled122 - 1 24 k gWhencarrierisinstalled119 - 1 20 k gWhen flat bucket is installed 1 04 - 1 06 k gProtectiondegreeIP X 4*:Outerdiameterwhenturningwithfrontwheelasaxis. Due to our continuing program of research and development, the specifications herein are subject to changewithoutnotice. Specifications may diႇer from country to country. The weight may diႇer depending on the attachment(s), including the battery cartridge. The lightest and heavi-estcombinations,accordingtoEP T A- P r o c e d u r e 01 / 201 4 , a r e s h o w n i n t h e t a b l e .Applicable battery cartridge and chargerBatterycartridgeBL181 5N / B L 1 820B / B L 1 830B / B L 1 84 0B / B L 1 850B / B L 1 86 0BChargerDC 1 8R C / DC 1 8R D / DC 1 8R E / DC 1 8S D / DC 1 8S E / DC 1 8S F /DC 1 8S H / DC 1 8W C•Someofthebatterycartridgesandchargerslistedabovemaynotbeavailabledependingonyourregionofresidence.WARNING: Only use the battery cartridges and chargers listed above. U s e o f a n y o t h e r b a t t e r y c a r t r i d g e sand chargers may cause injury and/or fire.WARNING: Never use Portable Power Pack PDC1200 or PDC01 with this product. U s i n g t h e m t o g e t h e rmay cause personal injury or malfunction.