31 ENGLISHTroubleshooting for stop of machineWARNING: Unless absolutely necessary,never disable the support brake of the machinewith the neutral change lever. S i n c e t h e s u p p o r tbrakeofthemachineisdisabled,themachinemaymoveunintentionallyandcauseanaccidentorper-sonal injury.WARNING: Be sure to return the neutralchange lever to its original position after pullingthe lever outward.If t h e m a c h i n e c a n n o t b e m o v e d w h e n t h e b a t t e r i e srunoutoramalfunctionofmachinehasoccurred,youcanmovethemachinemanuallybypullingtheneutralchangeleveroutwardtodisablethesupportbrake.1. L o c k t h e b r a k e l e v e r .2. Unload all of the objects from the machine.CAUTION: Be sure to unload all objects fromthe machine. T h e m a c h i n e m a y m o v e u n i n t e n t i o n a l l yif the objects are left on the machine.3. If t h e m a c h i n e i s o n a s l o p e , u n l o c k t h e b r a k elever,andorientthemachinesothatthebrakeleverisontheuppersideoftheslopeandthemachineisparal-leltotheslope. L o c k t h e b r a k e l e v e r .Ź Fig.694. M a k e s u r e t h a t t h e m a c h i n e d o e s n o t m o v e , a n dpullouttheneutralchangeleveroutward.Ź Fig.70: 1. N e u t r a l c h a n g e l e v e r5. U n l o c k t h e b r a k e l e v e r a n d m o v e t h e m a c h i n emanuallytoasafeplace. S i n c e t h e s u p p o r t b r a k e i sdisabled,movethemachinecarefullywiththebrakeleversothatthespeeddoesnotincrease.6. Af t e r m o v i n g t h e m a c h i n e t o a s a f e p l a c e , l o c k t h ebrakelever.7. R e t u r n t h e n e u t r a l c h a n g e l e v e r t o i t s o r i g i n a lposition. M a k e s u r e t h a t t h e n e u t r a l c h a n g e l e v e r i s f u l l yreturned as shown in the figure.Ź Fig.71: 1. N e u t r a l c h a n g e l e v e rOPTIONALACCESSORIESCAUTION: These accessories or attachmentsare recommended for use with your Makitamachine specified in this manual. T h e u s e o f a n yotheraccessoriesorattachmentsmightpresentariskof injury to persons. Only use accessory or attach-mentforitsstatedpurpose.CAUTION: Only use the Makita accessoryor attachment for the machine. U s e o f a n y o t h e raccessoryorattachmentmayresultinseriousper-sonal injury.If y o u n e e d a n y a s s i s t a n c e f o r m o r e d e t a i l s r e g a r d -ingtheseaccessories,askyourlocalMakitaServiceCenter.•Carrier•Bucket•Flatbucket•Du m p u n i t•Fronttire(black)•Fronttire(gray)•Reartire(gray)•MakitagenuinebatteryandchargerNOTE: S o m e i t e m s i n t h e l i s t m a y b e i n c l u d e d i n t h etoolpackageasstandardaccessories. T h e y m a ydiႇer from country to country.