18 ENGLISHSymbolsThefollowingsshowthesymbolswhichmaybeusedfortheequipment. B e s u r e t h a t y o u u n d e r s t a n d t h e i rmeaningbeforeuse.Readinstructionmanual.Do n o t c h a n g e d i r e c t i o n o n s l o p e s .Thismachinecannotbeusedonpublicroads.Before loading or unloading objects,lockthebrakeanddumpunit.Do not load or unload objects onslopes.Do n o t u s e t h e m a c h i n e f o r t r a n s -portingpeople.Do not dump objects on slopes. Lockthedumpunitafterdumping.Load objects on the bucket or carrierevenly. Do not load objects unevenlyoronlyonfrontside.Pinchandcrushhazard. K e e phandsclearduringoperation. Do n o tputyourhandsorpartofyourbodyintothemovingparts.Maximumloadcapacity:300 k g o nflat ground and 18 kg on slopes(upto12° ) .Do n o t d i r e c t l y l o o k i n t o l a m p s .Do n o t w a s h t h e m a c h i n e w i t h h i g hpressurewasher.Keepbystandersawayfromthemachineduringoperation.Do n o t o p e r a t e t h e m a c h i n e a r o u n dunevensurfaces.Do n o t o p e r a t e t h e m a c h i n e w h e nthebucketorcarrierisnotreturnedcompletely.Removeropesbeforedumpingobjects.Al w a y s w e a r n o n - s l i p a n d p r o t e c t i v efootwear.Lockthebrakebeforepullingouttheneutralchangelever.Lockthebrakebeforereturningtheneutralchangelever.Ai r p r e s s u r e : f r o n t t i r e 280 k P a a n dreartire525 k P a .Makesurethatthelockleverislocked.Turnthelocklevertowardthefrontofmachinetounlockthedumpunit.Whenabeepsoundisemitted,lockthebrakelever.Whenyoureleasetheswitchtrigger,lockthebrakelever.Tocancelthebeepsound,releasetheswitchtriggerandpullthebrakelever.Ni-MHLi-ionO n l y f o r EU c o u n t r i e sDu e t o t h e p r e s e n c e o f h a z a r d o u scomponentsintheequipment,wasteelectricalandelectronicequipment,accumulatorsandbatteriesmayhaveanegativeimpactontheenvi-ronmentandhumanhealth.Do n o t d i s p o s e o f e l e c t r i c a l a n delectronicappliancesorbatterieswithhouseholdwaste!In a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e Eu r o p e a nDi r e c t i v e o n w a s t e e l e c t r i c a l a n delectronicequipmentandonaccu-mulatorsandbatteriesandwasteaccumulatorsandbatteries,aswellastheiradaptationtonationallaw,wasteelectricalequipment,batteriesandaccumulatorsshouldbestoredseparatelyanddeliveredtoasep-aratecollectionpointformunicipalwaste,operatinginaccordancewiththeregulationsonenvironmentalprotection.Thisisindicatedbythesymbolofthecrossed-outwheeledbinplacedontheequipment.GuaranteedsoundpowerlevelaccordingtoEU O u t d o o r N o i s eDi r e c t i v e .SoundpowerlevelaccordingtoAu s t r a l i a N S W N o i s e C o n t r o lRegulation.