Basic Voice Mail ProgrammingChecking the Default Automated Attendant22 NVM-2e/i-Series Quick Setup Guide Chapter 4: Voice Mail ProgrammingModifications to DefaultSee the references to the left of the flowchart on the previous page.ProgrammingSee the references to the left of the flowchart on the previous page.For more informationTo customize the Automated Attendant, see “Customizing Callout (Message Notification) Options”in Chapter 3: Programming of the NVM-2e System Guide (P/N 17780INS08 or higher).To modify theDial Action Table,see Modifying theDial ActionTables onpage 28.<==== Key 0:Key 1-8Key 9:Key *:Key #:TIMEOUT:Rec1 (Record a Message) for 1st extension in numbering plan.The caller hears the Subscriber’s greeting followed by a beeptone.Undefined Routing or Transfer to any extension the callerdials. Transfers are screened in the Voice Mail. IncompleteScreened Transfers are handled by the Voice Mail; UnscreenedTransfers are handled by the phone system. When a callerpresses an Undefined key, Voice Mail plays, That is an invalidentry, then the Instruction Menu.Transfer is assigned only to the keys that match the 1st digit ofthe extensions (if extensions are 21-36, Transfer is assigned tokeys 2 & 3, Undefined Routing to keys 4-8).Hangs up the call.Quick Message (After dialing *, the caller can dial a mailboxnumber to leave a message in that mailbox.)Log On (After dialing #, the callers dial their mailbox numberto log on to their mailbox and use Voice Mail).If caller waits more than 5 seconds to dial something after theInstruction Menu plays, the caller hears a prompt (Recording,followed by a beep tone) for recording a message for the low-est numbered extension.IMPORTANTThis guide shows you how to have Call Routing Mailboxes answer calls.To have other types of mailboxes answer calls, see “A Flowchart Summary” in Chapter3: Programming of the NVM-2e System Guide (P/N 17780INS08 or higher).