Basic Voice Mail ProgrammingModifying the Dial Action TablesChapter 4: Voice Mail Programming NVM-2e/i-Series Quick Setup Guide 29Default Dial Action Tables for i-SeriesThe extension numbering is 301-350. Mailbox 308 is assigned for FAX transfers. The followinglists the default values for DATs 1-4.Key Routing OptionKey 0 Action: UTRF for DATs 1 & 4REC1 for DATs 2 & 3Number: 301Key 1 Action: UNDNumber: NoneKey 2 Action: UNDNumber: NoneKey 3 Action: TRFNumber: XXXKey 4 Action: UNDNumber: NoneKey 5 Action: UNDNumber: NoneKey 6 Action: UNDNumber: NoneKey 7 Action: UNDNumber: NoneKey 8 Action: UNDNumber: NoneKey 9 Action: HUPNumber: NoneKey * Action: REC1Number: IXXXKey # Action: LOGONNumber: NoneTIMEOUT Action: UTRF for DATs 1 & 4REC2 for DATs 2 & 3Number: 301