Glossary 9DdefaultThe system’s factory setting for a specific device feature or systemfunction. A setting that a computer uses if it has not been modified bya user.DIMMDual Inline Memory Module. Circuit board with pins connecting todifferent memory chips on both sides of the board, which allows forwider and faster data transfer (128-bit). See SIMMs.DMADirect Memory Access. A method for transferring data, usuallybetween memory and a disk drive, without going through the CPU.DMIDesktop Management Interface. A standard for PCs that allowsmanipulation of PC components over a network from a centralizedlocation.DRAMDynamic Random Access Memory. Memory used to store data inmost computers. DRAM is temporary and must be continuallyrefreshed. It is only active when the computer is turned on.driverA software program that enables peripheral devices (for example,printer, monitor, mouse, CD-ROM drive) to work with computers.DVDDigital versatile disc or digital video disc. A type of CD-ROM thatholds a minimum of 4.7 GB, enough for a full-length movie. TheDVD specification supports disks with capacities of from 4.7 GB to17 GB and access rates of 600 Kbps to 1.3 Mbps. One of the bestfeatures of DVD drives is that they are backward-compatible withCD-ROM disks. This means that DVD players can play old CD-ROMs, CD-I disks, and video CDs, as well as new DVD-ROMs.Newer DVD players can also read CD-R disks. DVD uses MPEG-2to compress video data. See MPEG.