3-4 Using Voyetra Sound SoftwareNOTEThe online help gives detailed information oneach module.Mixer ModuleUse the Mixer module to adjust the volume and tone levelsfor your speakers and other AudioStation functions. Thelevels are adjusted by placing your pointer on theappropriate slider and dragging it up or down.CD ModuleThe CD module lets you play audio CDs. To play a CD,use the following procedure.1. Insert the CD into your CD tray.2. Click on the Mode button to select one of the followingplayback modes.n Playlist − Plays all the playlist tracks sequentiallyand stops after the last track.n Shuffle − Plays the playlist tracks in random orderuntil you click the stop button, close the CD module,or close AudioStation.n Loop − Plays the playlist tracks sequentially andrepeats the list from the top until you click the Stopbutton (square symbol), close the CD module, orclose AudioStation.n Single − Plays the tracks on the CD sequentially andstops after the last track.3. To start the CD, press the Play (single triangle symbol)button.