6-8 24-Hour Information ServicesCOMPUSERVE ONLINE SERVICEIf you subscribe to CompuServe, you can use the service toobtain information about NEC and its products. You canuse CompuServe to E-mail technical questions to NEC’sTechnical Support staff, post technical questions andmessages on the Bulletin Board, and access NEC’s BBS.NOTEYou cannot download information from theNEC Bulletin Board from CompuServe. You mustcall the NEC Bulletin Board directly using theprocedure explained earlier in this chapter.Use the following steps to access CompuServe and NEC’sonline information services.1. Log onto CompuServe.2. At the opening screen, click on Service, type in NECTECH at the prompt, and click OK.3. At the NEC menu, double-click on one of the followingtopics, then follow the prompts:n NEC Bulletin Boardn Information About This Servicen Access NEC BBSn Access CompuServe Information Servicesn Exit.4. Exit anytime by double-clicking on the rectangle in theupper left corner of the screen.