Setting System Parameters 4-19System Security OptionsFEATURE OPTIONS DESCRIPTIONSupervisor Passwordis EnabledDisabled (default)EnabledMust set to Enabled to set aSupervisor password.Set SupervisorPasswordUp to sevenalphanumericcharactersPressing Enter displays a dialogbox for entering the supervisorpassword. This password givesFULL access to Setup menus.User Password Disabled (default)EnabledMust set to Enabled to set a Userpassword.Set User Password Up to sevenalphanumericcharactersPressing Enter displays the dialogbox for entering the user password.This password gives RESTRICTEDaccess to Setup menus. Requiresthe prior setting of a Supervisorpassword.Password on Boot Disabled (default)EnabledEnabled requires a password onboot (cold boot only — nopassword required for warm boot).Requires the prior setting of aSupervisor and/or User password.If disabled, password(s) arerequired for entering Setup but arenot required for booting.If a Supervisor password is setand this option is disabled, theBIOS boots without asking for apassword.Diskette Access User (default)SupervisorSupervisor setting restrictsthe use of diskette drives to asupervisor. Requires setting theSupervisor password.Fixed Disk BootSectorNormal (default)Write ProtectedWrite protected helps preventviruses. When write protected,operating systems (and virusesand application programs) whichattempt to modify the boot sectorwill not be able to do so.