6-2 24-Hour Information ServicesNEC’S FASTFACTS SERVICENEC’s FastFacts service is a self-help, automated electronicinformation service for obtaining up-to-date productapplication notes, installation procedures, troubleshootingtips, data sheets, technical information bulletins, illustratedparts lists, part numbers, and other information about yoursystem.Using a fax machine, you can obtain information fromFastFacts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You simply callthe FastFacts number on your touch-tone telephone, orderthe information you want by following the voice prompts,and FastFacts will automatically fax the information to you.If you are new to FastFacts, you should first order one ofthe following catalogs. Each catalog lists the availabledocuments and their document numbers. Current catalogsinclude:n Catalog 1, NEC Graphics Productsn Catalog 2, NEC CD-ROM, Printers, and Disk DriveProductsn Catalog 3, NEC Computer Productsn Catalog 4, NEC Products for the Macintoshn Catalog 5, NEC Factory Refurbished Product Listn Catalog 6, NEC Select Direct Pricingn Catalog 7, NEC Technical Support Notes, TechnicalInformation Bulletins, Illustrated Parts Listsn Catalog 9, NEC Product and Configuration ManualIndex.