E-56 †PLASMA M ONITOR35. SIGNAL InformFunctionThe display informs the external control equip-ment of the input signal information for requestsof input signal information by the external con-trol equipment.Transmission Data0FH UA1 UA2 3EH 00H CKSACK6FH UA1 UA2 3EH 04H DATA00–DATA03 CKSDATA00Bit7–4: Displays the 10's digit of the hori-zontal frequency. (0 to 9)Bit3–0: Displays the 10's digit of the hori-zontal frequency. (0 to 9)DATA01Bit7–4: Displays the decimal point and thefirst right digit of the horizontal fre-quency. (0 to 9)Bit3: Horizontal sync polarity display0 : Negative1 : PositiveBit2 : Vertical sync polarity display0 : Negativ1 : PositiveBit1,0: 0 (fixed)DATA02Bit7–4: Displays the 10's digit of the verti-cal frequency. (0 to 9)Bit3–0: Displays the 1's digit of the verticalfrequency. (0 to 9)DATA03Bit7–4: Displays the decimal point and thefirst right digit of the vertical fre-quency. (0 to 9)Bit3–0: 0 (fixed)''00H'' is output when there is no signal.34. SET CONDITION InformFunctionThe display informs the external control equip-ment of the set’s condition information for re-quests of the set’s condition information by theexternal control equipment.Transmission Data0FH UA1 UA2 40H 00H CKSACK6FH UA1 UA2 40H 17H DATA00–DATA22 CKS*Accumulated set usage time displayDATA12Bit0 (LSB)|Bit7DATA13Bit0|Bit7DATA14Bit0|Bit3 (MSB)Bit4–7 : 0 fixed* Microprocessor version displayDisplay example VER 1.0DATA15Bit0(LSB)|Bit3 (MSB)Bit4 (LSB)|Bit7 (MSB)*Current time display1 character is expressed in 4 bits.DATA16Bit0|Bit3Bit4|Bit7DATA17Bit0|Bit3Bit4|Bit7DATA18Bit0|Bit3Bit4|Bit7DATA19Bit0|Bit3Bit4|Bit7DATA20Bit0|Bit3Bit4|Bit7DATA21Bit0|Bit3Bit4|Bit7DATA22Bit0 : 0 : Power management OFF1 : Power management ONBit1 : 0 : Wireless remote control OFF1 : Wireless remote control ONBit2 : 0 : Timer OFF1 : Timer ONBit3–7 : 0 (fixed)The set’s accumula-tive time in 5 digits isdisplayed with 4 bitsper digit and the firstdigit is displayed fromBit 0 of DATA12.Microprocessor versiondecimal point and firstright digitMicroprocessor versionfirst digitSeconds 1’s digitSeconds 10’s digitMinutes 1’s digitMinutes 10’s digitHours 1’s digitHours 10’s digitDay 1’s digitDay 10’s digitMonth 1’s digitMonth 10’s digitYear 1’s digitYear 10’s digitAppendix