7-12 Solving ProblemsIF YOU NEED ASSISTANCEIf you have a problem with your computer, first review thechecklist and troubleshooting table in the previous section.If you still have a problem, continue with the suggestionsthat follow.Getting Help from Your CompanyIf your company is large, the best source of help maybe within your own company. Your company may havedesignated central support personnel to whom you cango when you have problems.Your central support personnel can then contact theappropriate dealer or NEC support staff, if needed.Getting Help from Your DealerThe dealer from whom you purchased your system isbacked by complete support resources and programs withinNEC. Your dealer can provide you with details on all avail-able support options.Getting Help from NECIf you have a problem that you cannot resolve yourself,within your company, or through your NEC dealer, help isavailable in the U.S. and Canada from the NEC TechnicalSupport Center (TSC). Call the NEC Technical SupportCenter, toll free, at 1-800-632-4525. Direct technicalassistance is available Monday through Friday, between8:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.In addition to direct technical assistance, NEC provides thefollowing services for help and information about NECproducts:n Technical Support by electronic mail (E-mail) or faxn NEC FastFacts.