B-8 SpecificationsProtocols:n Bell 212A (1200 bps) and 103 (300 bps)n CCITT V.22bis (2400 bps) and V.22 (1200 bps)n CCITT V.32bis (14,400 bps) and V.32 (9600 bps)n CCITT V.42 and MNP 2-4 error correctionn V.42bis and MNP 5 data compressionGroup 3 facsimile modesn V.17 (14,400 bps) transmit and receiven V.29 (9600/7200 bps) transmitn V.27ter (4800/2400 bps) transmit and receiven V.21 Channel 2 (300 bps) transmit and receiveAutomatic dialing and answering; touch-tone transmit andreceiveAutobaud operationNon-volatile memory storage for two user profiles and fourtelephone numbersFour COM ports and four interrupts40-character command buffer for chaining commandsAuto-negotiation of highest mutually supported level oferror correction, data compression, and modem speedAutomatic speed selection/automatic fallback to slowerspeed on initial connection and during callCommunications software compatible command sets (ATcommands and S registers)Automatic terminal-to-modem speed sensing up 57,600 bpsInactivity timer (when set, hangs up if no data inprogrammable time from 1 to 42 minutes)Dual RJ-11 telephone jacks — one for the telephone line,one for an optional phoneBuffered 16550 UART