2-8 Setting System ParametersMain Menu OptionsThe following table lists and describes the availableparameters when you select the Main menu in the legendbar. Other Main Menu parameters are available directlyfrom the Main Menu summary window.Parameters available directly from the Main Menusummary window have a right-pointing triangle next tothe parameter. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor tothe parameter and press Enter to select a submenu.See the sections following the table for a description ofMain Menu parameters from the summary window.Legend Bar Main Menu ParametersPARAMETER OPTIONS DESCRIPTIONSystem Time HH:MM:SS Sets the system time.System Date MM/DD/YYYY Sets the system date.Diskette A:Diskette B:360KB, 5 1/4”1.2MB, 5 1/4”720KB, 3 1/2”1.44MB, 3 1/2”2.88MB, 3 1/2”Not InstalledSelects the type of diskettedrive in your system.Video System EGA/VGA, (default)CGA 80x25MonochromeSelects the default videodevice.System Memory Automatically detectedby the systemDisplays the amount ofconventional memorydetected at power-on.Extended Memory Automatically detectedby the systemDisplays the amount ofextended memory detectedat power-on.