Setting System Parameters 2-27With the driver orientation set to the default, NORTH,the cursor moves in the following directions in responseto the mouse movement:NORTH — moves the cursor to the top of the screen.SOUTH — moves the cursor to the bottom of the screen.EAST — moves the cursor to the right.WEST — moves the cursor to the left.n Sensitivity level (Sn) — defines how fast and responsivethe mouse movement is for the application. This parame-ter sets the relationship between how fast you move themouse to how fast the cursor moves. The syntax for thesensitivity level is as follows:Snwhere n is a two-digit number from 00-10. The defaultis S04.n Button orientation (SWAP) — This parameter lets youswap the functions of the left and right mouse buttons.The swap argument toggles the functions between thetwo.n Number of mouse buttons (nK) — You can specifywhether you have a two- or three-button mouse using theK command.n ? — This parameter displays the current mouse settings.Type the following command and press enter to view alisting of mouse settings:lmouse ?The following example sets the ballistic effect to high, themouse orientation to NORTH, sets the sensitivity level to 5,and specifies a 3-button mouse.lmouse bhigh north s05 3k