E-29DefaultReturning to Factory DefaultThe Factory Default feature allows you to change adjustments and set-ting to the factory preset for source except the following:Resets the adjustments for the current signal to the factory preset lev-els.The items that can be reset are: Brightness, Contrast, Color, Hue, Sharp-ness, Aspect, Horizontal Position, Vertical Position, Clock, Phase andColor Correction.Reset all the adjustments and settings for all the signals to the factorypreset.The items can be reset except Language, Lamp Remaining Time, LampHour Meter and Filter Usage. To reset the lamp usage time, see “ClearLamp Hour Meter” and “Clear Filter Usage”.Resets the filter usage back to zero. Selecting this option displayssubmenu for a confirmation.Resets the lamp clock back to zero. Selecting this option displayssubmenu for a confirmation.NOTE: The projector will turn off and go into standby mode after 2100 hours (upto 3100 hours in Eco mode) of service. If this happens, press the “Help” buttonon the remote control for ten seconds to reset the lamp clock back to zero. Dothis only after replacing the lamp.
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