5-18 Reference Guide3. To add a filter to the filter set, select Append Filter to display atable of filters. Select a filter from the table and press Return toadd it to the filter set. The default action of newly added filtersis tonot forward (discard) packet entries that match theircriteria.To exit the table without adding the filter, press the Escape key.4. To remove a filter from the filter set, select Detach Filter todisplay a table of appended filters. Select a filter from the tableand press Return to remove it from the set. To exit the tablewithout removing the filter, press the Escape key.5. Select ADD FILTER SET NOW to save the current filter set.Select CANCEL to exit the Add SAP Filter Set screen withoutsaving the new filter set.Deleting a SAP filter setTo delete a SAP filter set, select Delete IPX SAP Filter Set in the IPXFilters and Filter Sets screen to display a list of filter sets. Select afilter set from the list and press Return to delete it. Press theEscape key to exit the list without deleting the filter set.Note: Deleting a filter set does not delete the filters in that set.However, the filters in the deleted set are no longer in effect (unlessthey are part of another set). The deleted set will no longer appearin the answer profile or any connection profiles to which it wasadded.