Configuring ISDN and Leased Line Connections 2-15Connection Profiles+-Profile Name---------------------IP Address----IPX Network-++------------------------------------------------------------+| Easy Setup Profile 0 || Panost Inc. || XYZ Corporation |+------------------------------------------------------------+Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.Changing a Connection ProfileTo modify a connection profile, select Display/Change ConnectionProfile in the Connection Profiles screen to display a table ofconnection profiles.Select a connection profile from the table and press Return to go tothe Change Connection Profile screen. The parameters in thisscreen are the same as the parameters found in the AddConnection Profile screen. To find out how to set them, see “Addinga connection profile” on page 2-16.Change Connection ProfileProfile Name: Panost Inc.Profile Enabled: YesIP Enabled: YesIP Profile Parameters...IPX Enabled: YesIPX Profile Parameters..Data Link Encapsulation... PPPData Link Options...Telco Options...Modify Connection Profile here. Changes are immediate.