Configuring ISDN and Leased Line Connections 2-33n The N392 option specifies the maximum number of (linkreliability, protocol, and sequence number) error events thatcan occur within the N393 sliding window. If an N392 thresh-old is exceeded, the switch declares the Netopia Router inac-tive. The default setting is 3.n The N393 option allows the user to specify the width of thesliding N392 monitored event window. The default setting is4.2. Select Tx Injection Management and press Return. From thepop-up menu, highlight Standard if you want the frames on yourline that exceed the link capacity to be acknowledged and markedas discard-eligible, Buffered if you want the frames on your linethat exceed the link capacity to be delayed until the link is lessbusy, or None if you want all of the frames on your line to betransmitted. Press Return.Note: If you select None as the Tx Injection Management type,the three Tx Injection Management options listed below willremain hidden. Go to step 4.If you select Standard or Buffered as the Tx InjectionManagement type, then the Default CIR, Bc, and Be values willappear (in the corresponding fields below the Tx InjectionManagement field) in order for you to define the parameters themanagement algorithm.n The Default CIR (CIR also referred to as CommittedInformation Rate) represents the average capacity availableto a given PVC (Permanent Virtual Circuit) or DLCI (Data LinkConnection Identifier). This setting defaults to 64000, butyou may modify the capacity rate if this setting will not beapplicable to you.n The Default Bc (Bc also referred to as Committed Burst Size)represents the maximum amount of data that your FrameRelay service provider agrees to transfer from a given PVC(Permanent Virtual Circuit) or DLCI (Data Link ConnectionIdentifier). This setting defaults to 64000, but you maychange the capacity rate if this setting needs to be modified.