Chapter 10 User interfacesNote:Additional explanation: Delta modeAssumption: The source channel contains the counter reading of an infinite counter in m3. The calculatedchannel 1 should contain the flow rate in m3/s and calculated channel 2 should contain the flow rate in l/h.Parameter Value channel 1 Value channel 2Basis -> mode Delta DeltaBasis -> unit m3/s l/hCalculation ->time basisSeconds HoursCalculation ->offset0 0Calculation ->factor1 1000Required configurationSource Calculated channel 1 Calculated channel 2Date/time Infinite counter [m3] Flow rate [m3/s] Flow rate [l/h]26.03.2013 12:50 900 0 1) 0 1)26.03.2013 12:51 960 1 3,600,00026.03.2013 12:52 990 0.5 1,800,00026.03.2013 12:53 1005 0.25 900,00026.03.2013 12:54 1065 1 3,600,0001) Calculation not possible as there is no measurement value before 12:50.Explanation: No values can be determined for the measurement at 12:50 for the calculated channels as thereis no previous value and the difference between the counter readings cannot be determined. For themeasurement at 12:51, the difference to the counter reading is 60m3 and the time difference is 60sec.Result = { (value difference / time difference [sec.]) * time basis [sec] * factor } + offsetThe result for calculated channel 1 (time basis "Seconds", offset "0" and factor "1") is calculated as follows:Channel 1 = { (60m3 / 60sec.) * 1 * 1 } + 0 = 1m3/sThe result for calculated channel 2 (time basis "Hours", offset "0" and factor "1000") is calculated as follows:Channel 2 = { (60m3 / 60sec.) * 3600 * 1000 } + 0 = 3,600,000l/h10. AlarmsNote: The evaluation of the alarm thresholds for calculated channels can only occur if the device hastransferred the measurement data to the Device to Web server.Alarm low An alarm is triggered, if the measurement value drops to or below this value.Alarm high An alarm is triggered, if the measurement value meets or exceeds this value.Hyst % Hysteresis for the all-clear in the event of an alarm/warning (e.g. Hyst = 5%, alarm orwarning at 100 -> all-clear at 95) or reset the trigger (e.g. Hyst = 5%, level = greater orequal, trigger at 100 -> reset at 95)NivuLog Easy V3 - Rev. 03 as of 24.10.2018 105 of 141