Turn Bluetooth technology off when you do not needit.● Features that use wireless LAN (WLAN), or allowingsuch features to run in the background while usingother features, increase the demand on battery power.WLAN on your Nokia device switches off when you arenot trying to connect, not connected to an access point,or not scanning for available networks. To furtherreduce battery consumption, you can specify that yourdevice does not scan, or scans less often, for availablenetworks in the background.● If you have set Packet data connection to Whenavailable in connection settings, and there is nopacket data coverage (GPRS), the device periodicallytries to establish a packet data connection. To prolongthe operating time of your device, select Packet dataconnection > When needed.● If the signal strength of the cellular network variesmuch in your area, your device must scan for theavailable network repeatedly. This increases thedemand on battery power.If the network mode is set to dual mode in the networksettings, the device searches for the UMTS network. Youcan set the device to use only the GSM network. To onlyuse the GSM network, select Menu > Settings andConnectivity > Network > Network mode >GSM.● The backlight of the display increases the demand onbattery power. In the display settings, you can changethe time-out after which the backlight is switched off,and adjust the light sensor that observes lightingconditions and adjusts the display brightness. SelectMenu > Settings and Phone > Display > Lighttime-out or Light sensor.● Leaving applications running in the backgroundincreases the demand on battery power. To close theapplications you do not use, press and hold the menukey, select Options > Show open apps., and navigateto the application with the menu key. Press and holdthe menu key, and select Exit.Free memoryTo view how much space is available for different datatypes, select Menu > Applications > File mgr..Many features of the device use memory to store data. Thedevice notifies you if the memory in different memorylocations is low.To free memory, transfer data to a compatible memorycard (if available) or to a compatible computer.To remove data you no longer need, use File manager oropen the respective application. You can remove thefollowing:● Messages in the folders in Messaging and retrieved e-mail messages in the mailbox● Saved web pages● Contact information● Calendar notesFind help© 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. 19