18. Download!Some features may not be available in your region. Pleasecheck the availability with local operator.About Download!Select Menu > Download!.With Download!, you can discover, preview, buy,download, and upgrade content, services, andapplications. Games, ringing tones, wallpapers,applications, and much more are easily accessible. Theitems are categorised under catalogues and folders fromdifferent service providers. The available content dependson your service provider.Download! uses your network services to access the mostup-to-date content. For information on additional itemsavailable through Download!, contact your serviceprovider or the supplier or manufacturer of the item.Download! receives updates continuously and providesyou with the latest content your service provider offers foryour device.Items may be chargeable, but you can usually previewthem free of charge. For more information about thecharges, contact your service provider or the provider ofthe item.To update the content in Download! manually, selectOptions > Refresh content.Purchase and download itemsTo buy the selected item in the main view, a folder, or acatalogue, select Options > Buy. A submenu openswhere you can select the version of the item and viewprice information. The available options depend on theservice provider.To download an item that is free of charge, selectOptions > Get.19. Other applicationsClockSet time and dateSelect Menu > Applications > Clock.Select Options > Settings and from the following:● Time — Set the time.● Date — Set the date.● Automatic time update — Set the network toautomatically update the time, date, and time zoneinformation for your device (network service).Download!© 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.86