correct security certificate in your device. For moreinformation, contact your service provider.Important: Even if the use of certificates makesthe risks involved in remote connections and softwareinstallation considerably smaller, they must be usedcorrectly in order to benefit from increased security. Theexistence of a certificate does not offer any protection byitself; the certificate manager must contain correct,authentic, or trusted certificates for increased security tobe available. Certificates have a restricted lifetime. If"Expired certificate" or "Certificate not valid yet" is shown,even if the certificate should be valid, check that thecurrent date and time in your device are correct.Before changing any certificate settings, you must makesure that you really trust the owner of the certificate andthat the certificate really belongs to the listed owner.17. SearchAbout SearchSelect Menu > Internet > Search.Search enables you to use various internet-based searchservices to find, for example, websites, and images. Thecontent and availability of the services may vary.Start a searchSelect Menu > Internet > Search.To search the contents of your mobile device, enter searchterms in the search field, or browse the contentcategories. While you enter the search terms, the resultsare organised into categories. The most recently accessedresults appear at the top of the result list, if they matchyour search terms.To search for web pages on the internet, select Search theInternet and a search provider, and enter your searchterms in the search field. The search provider you selectedis set as your default internet search provider.If a default search provider is already set, select it to starta search, or select More search services to use anothersearch provider.To change the default search provider, select Options >Settings > Search services.To change the country or region setting to find moresearch providers, select Options > Settings > Countryor region.Search© 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. 85