M e n u f u n c t i o n sCopyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved. 25Multimedia messagesmemory fullReceived messages areautomatically stored in Sharedmemory, see ”Shared memory” onpage xvi.When you have a multimediamessage waiting and the memoryfor the messages is full, the indicatoris blinking and Multimediamemory full, view waiting msg. isshown. To view the waiting message,press Show. To save the message,press Options, select Save messageand delete old messages by firstselecting the folder and then an oIdmessage to be deleted.To discard the waiting message,press Exit and Yes. If you press No,you can view the message.Erasing messages1. To delete the text messages, pressMenu, and select Messages, Textmessages and Delete messages.To delete the multimediamessages, press Menu, and selectMessages, Multimedia msgs.and Delete messages.2. To delete all read messages froma folder, scroll to the folder whereyou want to delete the messagesand press OK twice. If the foldercontains unread messages, thephone will ask whether you wantto delete them also.To delete all read messages fromall folders, scroll to All messagesand press OK. Then press OKwhen Delete all messages fromall folders? is displayed. If thefolders contain unread messages,the phone will ask whether youwant to delete them also.ChatYou can have a conversation withanother person using this textmessaging application. You cannotsave received or sent messages, butyou can view them while chatting.Each chat message is priced as a textmessage.1. To start a chat, press Menu,select Messages and Chat. Key inor search in the phone book thephone number of the person withwhom you want to start the chatsession and press OK.Another way to start a chat:When you have received amessage, press Show to read it.To start a chat, press Options andselect Chat.