M e n u f u n c t i o n s54 Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.Viewing and deleting timesPress Menu, and select Extras, andStopwatch.If the stopwatch is not reset, you canselect Show last to view the latestmeasured time. Select View timesand a list of names or final times ofthe time sets is shown, select thetime set you want to view.To delete the saved times, selectDelete times. Select All at once andpress OK, or select One by one, scrollto the times you want to delete,press Delete and press OK.WalletIn Wallet you can save personalinformation, for example, credit cardinformation and make purchaseswith your phone.You can access the wallet via theWallet menu or via the WAPbrowser, see ”Options whilebrowsing” on page 61.When you access the wallet for thefirst time, you need to create yourown wallet code. At Create walletcode: key in the code and press OKto confirm it and at Verify walletcode: key in the code again andpress OK.If you want to delete all the contentof the wallet and the wallet code,key in *#7370925538#(*#res0wallet# in letters) in standbymode. You also need the securitycode of the phone. See also ”Accesscodes” on page xiii.Saving and changing personalcard informationTo access the wallet, press Menu,select Extras and Wallet. If needed,key in your wallet code and pressOK, see ”Wallet settings” onpage 55. Select Cards to view thelist of cards. The maximum amountof cards is five. Scroll to the desiredcard.• To save information on a card,press Options and select View.Select• Card info to key in, forexample, the card holder’sname, card type, number andexpiry information.• User info to save user nameand password.• Shipping info to save yourcontact information.• Billing info to save thecontact information in casethe invoicing address differsfrom the stored address,which may be the case withcompany credit cards.