M e n u f u n c t i o n s26 Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.2. Key in your nickname for the chatand press OK.3. Write your chat message, see”Writing text” on page 13.4. To send the message, pressOptions and select Send.5. The reply message from the otherperson is shown above youroriginal message.To reply to the message, press OKand repeat the steps 3 and 4.6. To end the chat session, press OKand select Quit.To view the latest messages of thecurrent chat session, press Optionsand select Chat history. Themessages you sent are indicated by"<" and your nickname and themessages you received by ">", andthe sender’s nickname. Press Back toreturn to the message you arewriting. To edit your nickname,select the option Chat name.Voice messagesVoice mailbox is a network serviceand you may need to subscribe to itfirst. For more information and forthe voice mailbox number, contactyour service provider.Press Menu, and select Messagesand Voice messages. Select• Listen to voice messages to callyour voice mailbox at the phonenumber you have saved withinthe Voice mailbox number menu.Each phone line may have its ownvoice mailbox number, see ”Linefor outgoing calls” on page 38.• Voice mailbox number to key in,search for or edit your voicemailbox number and press OK tosave it.If supported by the network, theindicator will indicate newvoice messages. Press Listen to callyour voice mailbox number.Tip: Pressing and holdingcalls your voice mailbox.Info messagesWith the info message networkservice you can receive messages onvarious topics, for example weatheror traffic conditions, from yourservice provider. For available topicsand relevant topic numbers, contactyour service provider.If the GPRS connection is set toAlways online, the info messagesmay not be received. In that case, setthe GPRS connection to Whenneeded, see ”GPRS connection” onpage 56.