M e n u f u n c t i o n s64 Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.Service inboxThe phone is able to receive servicemessages (pushed messages) sent byyour service provider. Servicemessages are notifications of, forexample, news headlines, and theymay contain a text message oraddress of a WAP service.To access the Service inbox instandby mode, when you havereceived a service message, pressView.• If you press Exit the message ismoved to the Service inbox. Toaccess the Service inbox later,press Menu, and select Services,and Service inbox.To access the Service inbox whilebrowsing, press Options and selectService inbox. Scroll to the messageyou want, press Options and select• Retrieve to activate the WAPbrowser and download theindicated content.• Details to display detailedinformation on the servicenotification.• Delete to delete the selectedservice notification.To set the phone to receiveservice messagesPress Menu, and select Services,Settings, Service inbox settings, andService messages. To set the phoneto receive service messages, selectOn. If you select Off, the phone willnot receive service messages.The cache memoryNote: The information orservices you have accessedare stored in the cache ofyour phone. A cache is abuffer memory, which isused to store datatemporarily. If you havetried to access or haveaccessed confidentialinformation requiringpasswords (for example,your bank account), emptythe cache of your phoneafter each use.To empty the cache,• while browsing, press Optionsand select Clear the cache, or• in standby mode, press Menu,and select Services, and Clear thecache.