S e r v i c e s a n d A p p l i c a t i o n s92 Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.• Text wrapping – Choose Off ifyou do not want the text in aparagraph to automatically wrap,or On if you do. If text is notwrapped, the ends of lines maybe truncated.• Font size – You can choose fivetext sizes in the browser:Smallest, Small, Normal, Large,and Largest.• Default encoding – To make sureyour browser pages display textcharacters correctly, select theappropriate language type.• Cookies – Allow/Reject. You canenable or disable the receivingand sending of cookies (a meansfor content providers to identifyusers and their preferences forfrequently used content).• Security warnings – Choose tohide or show securitynotifications.• Conf. DTMF sending – Always/First time only. Choose whetheryou want to confirm before thephone sends DTMF tones during avoice call. See “Options during acall” on page 12. For example,you can make a voice call whileyou are viewing a browser page,send DTMF tones while a voicecall is in progress, and save aname and phone number from abrowser page into Contacts.• Wallet – Choose On to open thewallet automatically when acompatible browser page isopened.■ ApplicationsGo to Menu → Tools →Manager.You can install new compatibleSymbian operating systemapplications (SIS files) and Java™applications (Java MIDlets andMIDlet suites) on your phone. Youcan also update and uninstallapplications from the phone, andmonitor the installation history.Your phone supports J2ME™Javaapplications. Do not downloadPersonalJava™ applications to yourphone as they cannot be installed.Options in the Applicationmanager main view are: Install,View details, View certificate,Update, Go to web address,Remove, View log, Send log,Settings, App. downloads, Help, andExit.Applications in the Applicationmanager use shared memory. See”Shared memory” on page ix.When you open the Applicationmanager, you can see a list of:• Applications saved in theApplication manager.