E x t r a s80 Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.Some of the fields must containdata selected from the wallet.Save the data under the relevantcategory before creating a walletprofile, or the profile cannot becreated.• Profile name – Choose andenter a name for the profile.• Payment card – Select a cardfrom the Payment cardcategory.• Loyalty card – Select a cardfrom the Loyalty cardcategory.• Online access card – Select acard from the Online accesscard category.• Shipping address – Select anaddress from the Address cardcategory.• Billing address – By defaultthis is the same as theShipping address. If yourequire a different address,select one from the Addresscard category.• User info card – Select a cardfrom the User info cardcategory.• Receive e-receipt – Select adestination from the Addresscard category.• Deliver e-receipt – Select Tophone, To e-mail, or To pho. &e-mail.• RFID sending – Set to On orOff. Defines whether or notyour unique phoneidentification is sent with thewallet profile (for futuredevelopment dependent onRFID-based ticketing).Retrieving information fromthe wallet to your browserWhen using online mobile servicessupporting the wallet functionality,you can upload the data stored inyour wallet to automatically enteryour details into an online form. Forexample, by uploading your paymentcard details you do not need to keyin the card number and expiry dateeach time you need them (dependingon the content being browsed). Also,you can retrieve your user name andpassword stored as an access cardwhen connecting to a mobile servicethat requires authentication. See“Purchasing an item” on page 91.A cache is a memory location that isused to store data temporarily. If youhave tried to access or have accessedconfidential information requiringpasswords, empty the cache aftereach use. The information or servicesyou have accessed is stored in thecache. To empty the cache, selectMenu → Web → Options →Navigation options → Clear Cache.