E x t r a s78 Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.10. Extras■ WalletGo to Menu → Extras→ Wallet.Options in the wallet mainview are: Open, Settings, Help, andExit.Wallet provides you with a storagearea for your personal information,such as credit and debit cardnumbers, addresses and other usefuldata, for example, user names andpasswords.The information stored in the walletcan be easily retrieved whilebrowsing to automatically completeonline forms on browser pages, forexample, when the service asks forcredit card details. Data in the walletare encrypted and protected with awallet code that you define.You can group wallet data intoprofiles that can be accessed, forexample, when making purchasesonline.Due to the nature of the wallet, itautomatically closes after 5 minutes.Enter the wallet code to regainaccess to the contents. You canchange this automatic time-outperiod, if required. See ”Presencesettings” on page 29.Entering the wallet codeEach time you open the wallet youare prompted for a wallet code.When you open the wallet for thefirst time, you must create your ownaccess code:1. Enter a code of your choice (4 -10 alphanumeric characters), andpress OK.2. You are prompted to verify thecode. Enter the same code andpress OK. Do not give your walletcode to anyone else.3. Enter the code that you havecreated and press OK.If you enter the wallet codeincorrectly on three consecutiveoccasions, the wallet application isblocked for 5 minutes. The blocktime increases if further incorrectwallet codes are entered.If you forget your wallet code, youhave to reset the code, and you willlose all information stored in thewallet. See ”Resetting the wallet andwallet code” on page 81.