C o n n e c t i v i t y104 Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.the default setting values or copythe values from an existingprofile to be used as the basis forthe new profile.2. Define the following:Sync profile name – Write adescriptive name for the profile.Access point – Select an accesspoint you want to use for thedata connection.Host address – Contact yourservice provider or systemadministrator for the correctvalues.Port – Contact your serviceprovider or system administratorfor the correct values.User name – Your user ID for thesynchronisation server. Contactyour service provider or systemadministrator for your correct ID.Password – Write your password.Contact your service provider orsystem administrator for thecorrect value.Press and select theapplication that you wish tosynchronise.The available applications that youcan synchronise may vary. Contactyour service provider for moreinformation.3. Press Done to save the settings.Synchronising dataIn the Sync main view, you can seethe different profiles, and what kindof data are synchronised: Calendar,Contacts, or both.1. In the main view, scroll to aprofile and select Options →Synchronise. The status of thesynchronisation is shown at thebottom of the screen.To cancel synchronisation beforeit is finished, press Cancel.2. You are notified when thesynchronisation has beencompleted.• After synchronisation iscomplete, select Options →View log to open a log fileshowing the synchronisationstatus (Complete or Incomplete)and how many calendar orcontact entries have been added,updated, deleted, or discarded(not synchronised) in the phoneor on the server.