C o n n e c t i v i t y102 Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.■ ConnectionmanagerGo to Menu → Connectivity →Connection manager.In the Connection manager, you canidentify the status of multiple dataconnections, view details on theamount of data sent and received,and end unused connections.You can view details of dataconnections only. Voice calls are notlisted.When you open the Connectionmanager, you can see a list of:• Open data connections,– Data call, – GPRS.• The status of each connection.• Amount of data uploaded anddownloaded for each connection(GPRS connections only).• The duration of each connection(Data call connections only).Note: The actual timeinvoiced for calls by yourservice provider may vary,depending on networkfeatures, rounding off forbilling, and so forth.Options in the Connectionmanager main view when there areone or more connections are:Details, Disconnect, Disconnect all,Help and Exit.Viewing connection detailsTo view the details of a connection,scroll to a connection and selectOptions → Details. The following isdisplayed:• Name – The name of the InternetAccess Point (IAP) in use.• Bearer – The type of dataconnection: Data call or GPRS.• Status – The current status of theconnection.• Received – The amount of data,in bytes, received to the phone.• Sent – The amount of data, inbytes, sent from the phone.• Duration – The length of timethat the connection has beenopen.• Speed – The current speed ofboth sending and receiving datain kB/s (kilobytes per second).• Dial-up (GSM) – The dial-upnumber used, or Name (GPRS) –access point name used.• Shared (not displayed if theconnection is not shared) – Thenumber of applications using thesame connection.Ending connections• Scroll to a connection and selectOptions → Disconnect to endthat connection only.