P e r s o n a l i n f o r m a t i o nCopyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved. 31Calendar viewsOptions in the differentcalendar views: Open, New entry,Week view/Month view, Delete, Goto date, Send, Settings, Help, andExit.Press in the Month, Week, orDay views to automatically highlighttoday’s date.To write a calendar entry, press anynumber key ( - ) in anycalendar view. A Meeting entry isopened and the characters youkeyed in are added to the Subjectfield.• To go to a certain date, selectOptions → Go to date. Write thedate and press OK.• Icons in Day and Week views:– Memo, and– Anniversary.• Synchronisation icons in Monthview:– Private, – Public,– None, and – the day hasmore than one entry.■ To-doGo to Menu → To-do.In To-do, you can keep a listof tasks that you need to do. TheTo-do list uses shared memory. See”Shared memory” on page ix.1. To start to write a to-do note,press any number key ( -). The editor opens and thecursor blinks after the letters youhave keyed in.2. Write the task in the Subjectfield. Press to add specialcharacters.• To set the due date for thetask, scroll to the Due datefield and key in a date.• To set a priority for the to-donote, scroll to the Priorityfield and press .3. To save the to-do note, pressDone. If you remove allcharacters and press Done, thenote is deleted, even if you edit apreviously saved note.• To open a to-do note, scroll to itand press .• To delete a to-do note, scroll toit and select Options → Delete orpress .• To mark a to-do note ascompleted, scroll to it and selectOptions → Mark as done.• To restore a to-do note, selectOptions → Mark as not done.