• Operator — Configure operator-specific settingssuch as MMS, internet, WAP, and streaming settings.• E-mail settings — Configure e-mail settings.• Push to talk — Configure push-to-talk settings.• Video sharing — Configure video sharing settings.If you are not able to use Settings wizard, visit theNokia phone settings web site.Standby modesYour device has two different standby modes: activestandby mode and standby mode.Active standbyAfter you have switched onyour device and it is readyfor use, but you have notentered any characters ormade other selections, thedevice is in the activestandby mode. In the activestandby mode, you can viewdifferent indicators such asnetwork operator indicatorsor indicators for alarms, andapplications you want toaccess fast.To select applications thatyou want to access from active standby, select Menu >Tools > Settings > General > Personalisation >Standby mode > Active standby apps..To change the functions of the selection keys in activestandby, select Menu > Tools > Settings >General > Personalisation > Standby mode >Shortcuts.To use the basic standby mode, select Menu > Tools >Settings > General > Personalisation > Standbymode > Active standby > Off.StandbyIn the basic standby mode,you can see your serviceprovider, time, and differentindicators, such asindicators for alarms.To view the most recentlydialled numbers, press thecall key. Scroll to a numberor name, and press the callkey again to call the number.To call your voice mailbox(network service), press andhold 1.To view calendar information, scroll right.To write and send text messages, scroll left.To change these shortcuts, select Menu > Tools >Settings > General > Personalisation > Standbymode > Shortcuts.21 Your Nokia E51