To send a calendar entry to a compatible device, selectOptions > Send > Via text message, Viamultimedia, Via e-mail, Via Bluetooth, or Viainfrared. If the other device is not compatible withCoordinated Universal Time (UTC), the timeinformation of received calendar entries may not bedisplayed correctly.To add a received calendar entry to your calendar, openthe calendar entry attachment in the message, andselect Options > Save to Calendar.To respond to a received calendar entry, selectAccept, Tentative, or Decline, if available. If youaccept the entry or mark it as tentative, the entry isadded to your calendar. You can send a response to thesender of the calendar entry by e-mail. Select Yes, andthe message is saved in Outbox to wait for sending.Create a meeting entry1. Scroll to a date, and select Options > Newentry > Meeting.2. Enter the subject, location, start and end time, andthe start and end dates, if needed.3. To set an alarm for the meeting, select Alarm >On. Enter the alarm time and date.4. Select whether this is a repeating meeting.5. Define how the entry is handled duringsynchronisation in the Synchronisation field.Select Private to hide the entry from viewers if thecalendar is available online, Public to make theentry visible to viewers if the calendar is availableonline, or None to prevent copying the entry toyour computer when you synchronise.To-do entriesYou can create and maintain a task or list of tasks thatmust be done by a certain day. Each task can beassigned a due date, and an alarm.Create a to-do entry1. Scroll to a date, and select Options > Newentry > To-do.2. Enter the subject in the Subject field.3. Enter the due date.4. To set an alarm for the to-do entry, select Alarm >On. Enter the alarm time and date.5. Specify a priority. The priority icons are ( ! ) Highand ( - ) Low. There is no icon for Normal.6. Define how the entry is handled duringsynchronisation in the Synchronisation field.Select Private to hide the entry from viewers if thecalendar is available online, Public to make theentry visible to viewers if the calendar is availableonline, or None to not copy the entry to yourcomputer when you synchronise.Calendar viewsThe Calendar has four views: in the month view, youcan see the entire month at one time; the week viewshows the events for the selected week in seven dayboxes; the day view shows the events for the selected46 Business communications