To update the list of available WLANs, select Options >Refresh.To start or continue browsing the web using the accesspoint of the WLAN, scroll to the desired network, andselect Options > Start Web browsing or Cont. Webbrowsing.To disconnect the active connection to the WLAN, selectOptions > Disconnect WLAN.To view the details of the WLAN, select Options >Details.To save the access point of the WLAN, select Options >Define access point.Always enable one of the available encryption methodsto increase the security of your WLAN connection. Usingencryption reduces the risk of unauthorised access toyour data.Use the wizard in the active standby modeIn the active standby mode, the WLAN wizard showsthe status of your WLAN connections and networksearches. To view the available options, scroll to therow showing the status, and press the scroll key.Depending on the status, you can start the Webbrowser using a WLAN connection, disconnect from aWLAN, search for WLANs, or set the network scanningon or off.If WLAN scanning is off and you are not connected toany WLAN, WLAN scanning off is displayed in theactive standby mode. To set scanning on and search foravailable WLANs, scroll to the row showing the status,and press the scroll key.To start a search foravailable WLANs, scroll tothe row showing the status,press the scroll key, andselect Search for WLAN. Toset WLAN scanning off, scrollto the row showing thestatus, press the scroll key,and select Switch WLANscan off.When Start Web browsingis selected, the WLAN wizardautomatically creates anaccess point for the selectedWLAN. The access point can also be used with otherapplications requiring WLAN connection.If you select a secured WLAN, you are asked to enterthe relevant passcodes. To connect to a hiddennetwork, you must enter the correct service setidentifier (SSID).Internet access pointsAn internet access point is a collection of settings,which define how the device creates a data connectionto the network. To use e-mail and multimedia servicesor to browse web pages, you must first define accesspoints for these services.Some or all access points may be preset for your deviceby your service provider, and you may not be able tocreate, edit, or remove them.97 Connectivity