12. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)MN700004 Rev 01 119PortPriority = 128PortState = disabledPortEnable = disabledPortPathCost = 10DesignatedRoot = This bridge is the rootDesignatedCost = 0DesignatedBridge = This bridgeDesignatedPort = 128.1FrwrdTransitions = 0TopChangeDetection = EnabledDebugging STPTable 12-5 lists the STP debugging commands.Table 12-5 STP Debugging CommandsC o m m a n d D e s c r i p t i o ndebug stp Displays the information related to processing the Spanning Tree Protocol(STP).show debug stp Displays the debug status for the Spanning Tree protocol (STP).Enabling STP Debug InformationThe debug stp command, in Privileged (Enable) mode, displays the information related toprocessing the Spanning Tree protocol (STP). Use the no form of this command to disable thedisplay of STP information.The STP debug commands will not be saved after reload.By default, the debug is disabled.Command Syntaxdevice-name#debug stp {all|flush|tc|tcn}device-name#no debug stp {all|flush|tc|tcn}Argument Descriptionall Activates all STP debug options.flush Activates MAC address table flush debugging.tc Activates debugging when the switch receives or transmits BPDU with topology change.tcn Activates debugging when the switch receives TCN or transmits BPDU with topology changeACK.