7. Link Aggregation Groups (LAGs)MN700004 Rev 01 54P a r a m e t e r D e f a u l tV a l u eLACP port mode ActiveLACP port priority 32768Configuring and Displaying LAGsConfiguring Static LAGsTo set the static LAG, set the ports participating in the static LAG. See Adding a Port to aStatic Link Aggregation Group.Table 7-2 lists the static LAG configuration commands.Table 7-2 Static LAG Configuration CommandsC o m m a n d D e s c r i p t i o nlink-aggregation static id Sets a user-defined name for a specified static aggregatespecified by the LAG id number.Adding a Port to a Static Link Aggregation GroupThe link-aggregation static id command, in Interface Configuration mode, adds theconfigured interface to the specified static link aggregation group. The no form of thecommand removes the configured interface from the static LAG to which it belongs.By default, static LAG is disabled.NOTE The link-aggregation static command replaces the trunk command.Command Syntaxdevice-name(config-if UU/SS/PP)#link-aggregation static id <id-number>device-name(config-if UU/SS/PP)#no link-aggregationConfiguring LACPTo set the LACP, proceed as follows:1. Enable LACP on the switch. See Enabling/Disabling LACP Globally.