31. NTP Client DescriptionMN700004 Rev 01 348device-name(config)#time-server ntp add A.B.C.D2. Add an MD5 authentication key with key ID of 27 and plain-text key qwerty:device-name(config)#time-server ntp key add 27 qwerty3. Start the NTP server polling with refresh period of 10 minutes and time zone 2:device-name(config)#time-server ntp start 10 2Configuring Daylight Saving Time (DST)You can configure your switch to observe the daylight saving time in your area. This way,whenever the system time is corrected using a timeserver, it will be automatically correctedwith the local DST time offset. The option can be set in two ways: as either recurring or one-time option. Table 31-2 lists the commands that invoke the recurring or the nonrecurringoption, respectively.Table 31-2 Daylight Saving Time CommandsCommand Descriptiontime-serversummer-timerecurringConfigures the switch to perform DST adjustment that recurs yearly.time-serversummer-timedateConfigures the switch to perform one-time DST adjustment on specifieddates.Enabling the Daylight Saving Time AdjustmentThe time-server summer-time recurring command, in Global Configuration mode,configures the switch to adjust system time to daylight saving time in a recurring fashion. Youspecify the start and end dates and times for the DST and this time adjustment will repeatevery year.The no form of the command removes the summer time definition.By default, the summer time definition is disabled.Command Syntaxdevice-name(config)#time-server summer-time recurring(first1|1 >|last1) DAY1 MONTH1 HH:MM:SS1 (first2|2 >|last2) DAY2 MONTH2HH:MM:SS2 <T>