Gallery26FCC DRAFTGalleryTo store and organize your images, video clips, sound clips,playlists, and streaming links, press , and selectGallery.Tip! If you are in another application, to view the laststored picture in Gallery, press the review keyon the side of your device. To enter theImages & video folder main view, press the review keyagain.View and browse filesSelect Images & video ,Tracks , Sound clips ,Streaming links ,Presentations , or Allfiles , and press toopen it.You can browse and openfolders; and mark, copy, andmove items to folders. Youcan also create albums; andmark, copy, and add itemsto albums. See ‘Albums’,p. 28.Files stored on your compatible memory card (if inserted)are indicated with .To open a file, press . Video clips, .ram files, andstreaming links are opened and played in RealPlayer, andmusic and sound clips in Music player. See ‘RealPlayer’, p.41, and ‘Music player’, p. 37.To copy or move files to the memory card (if inserted) or todevice memory, select a file and Options > Move and copy> Copy to memory card or Move to memory card, orCopy to phone mem. or Move to phone mem..To download tracks or sound clips into Gallery using thebrowser, in the Tracks or Sound clips folders, select Trackdownl., or Sound downl.. To download images or videos, inthe Images & video folder, select the download icon. Thebrowser opens, and you can select a bookmark from whichthe site can download.Images and video clipsPictures taken and video clips recorded with the cameraare stored in the Images & video folder in Gallery. Imagesand video clips can also be sent to you in a multimediamessage, as an e-mail attachment, through Bluetoothconnectivity, or by using infrared. To be able to view a