Media applications38To select between random play and normal play mode,select Options > Random play. To select whether playingstops at the end of the playlist or restarts from itsbeginning, select Options > Loop.Tip! To leave the application open and music playingin the background, press twice to return to thestandby mode. To return to the application, press ,and select Music player.To open your Web bookmarks for downloading music,select Options > Track downloads.To return to the standby mode and leave the musicplaying in the background, select Options > Play inbackground.Music libraryTo view the music library, select Options > Music library.All tracks lists all music. To view sorted songs, selectAlbums, Artists, Genres, or Composers. The album, artist,genre, and composer information is collected from the ID3or M4A tags of the song files, if available.To add songs, albums, artists, genres or composers to aplaylist, select the items and Options > Add to track list.You can create a new playlist or add to an existing one.To view playlists, select Track lists. To create a newplaylist, select Options > New track list. When viewing aplaylist you have created yourself, to add more songs,select Options > Add tracks.To delete a playlist, press . Deleting a playlist onlydeletes the playlist, not the music files.Flash PlayerWith Flash Player, you can view, play, and interact withcompatible flash files made for mobile devices.Organize flash filesPress , and select Applications > Flash Player. Scrollright.To open a folder or play a flash file, scroll to it, and pressthe scroll key.To send a flash file to a compatible device, scroll to it, andpress the call key.To copy a flash file to another folder, select Options >Organize > Copy to folder.To move a flash file to another folder, select Options >Organize > Move to folder.To create a folder to organize your flash files, selectOptions >Organize > New folder.The available options may vary.