N OMADIX AG-2000 W ™ / AG-2000 WA ™166 System AdministrationEstablishing Session Rate Limiting {Session Limit}Session Rate Limiting (SRL) significantly reduces the risk of “Denial of Service”attacks by allowing administrators to limit the number of DAT sessions any one usercan take over a given time period and, if necessary, then block malicious users.1. From the Web Management Interface, click on System, then Session Limit.The Session Rate Limiting screen appears:2. Click on the check box for Session Rate Limiting to enable (or disable) thisfeature, as required.3. Enter values for the following session “limiting” parameters: Mean Rate Burst Size Time Interval (in seconds)4. Click on the Submit button to save your changes.5. For advanced security, see also “Defining the MAC Filtering Options {MacFiltering}” on page 161.