N OMADIX AG-2000 W ™ / AG-2000 WA ™System Administration 167Adding Static Ports {Static Port-mapping Add}Static Port-Mapping allows the network administrator to setup a port mappingscheme that forwards packets received on a specific port to a particular static IP(typically private and mis-configured) and port number on the subscriber side of theAG-2000w. The advantage for the network administrator is that free private IPaddresses can be used to manage devices (such as Access Points) on the subscriberside of the AG-2000w without setting them up with public IP addresses.This procedure shows you how to add static ports.1. From the Web Management Interface, click on System, then Static Port-mapping Add.The Add Static Port-Mapping Entries screen appears:2. Enter the Internal IP Address.Ensure that the device with the Internal IP Address has been added tothe subscriber’s table.