AG 5500System Administration 145Setting the System Date and Time {Time}This procedure shows you how to set the system date and time.1. From the Web Management Interface, click on Configuration, then Time. The Set Dateand Time screen appears:2. If required, enter the new date and time parameters in the relevant fields:z Year (####)z Month (1-12)z Day (1-31)z Hour (0-23)z Minute (0-59)After entering new data for the final parameter (minutes), the system writes theinformation into its BIOS, then displays the new date and time. The AG 5500 also allowsyou to enter a “Time offset from UTC.” This parameter is the Universal CoordinatedTime, based on the ISO 8601 standard, and is used in conjunction with RADIUS servers(for example, if the RADIUS server is setup for a time zone that is different from the AG5500).